Friday, February 14, 2014

January Recap

Yes, I realize it's halfway through February. I've been working 14 hour night shifts all month, so forgive my late blogging! I finished about a week ago with several more room updates! Here are pictures.

Slightly simplified mantel - I'm not 100% satisfied, but it'll do for now. The framing around the fireplace has SO much white -- I'm not sure what to do with it!  Also, if you're wondering what that black thing underneath the candles is, it's my TV antenna. I need to get one that is able to be camouflaged a little easier. 

My newly updated dresser area! I put a mini-gallery wall surrounding the mirror, then moved my full length mirror into that corner as well.  I also moved all my jewelry into the bedroom as well, instead of in the super-cluttered bathroom where it was living before.  I picked up that vase at an antique store a few weeks back -- won't it look cute with a hydrangea in it?

It is WAY harder to write in chalk than Pinterest makes it look. 

Jewelry and full-length mirror.  The necklaces are hung on a key rack I got at Target for I think $6.99.   The earring holder I made myself a few months back and was originally in my bathroom. I painted a random picture frame white, and used a staple gun to attach screen door fabric to the back of the frame.  

A fun game to play in a charming old house is "guess where the electrical outlets are in this room?" Hint: They're never where you want or expect.  I actually have three outlets in my bedroom: two on the left side of the bed (yes, two outlets, with two plugs apiece, directly next to each other) and one behind the dresser in the opposite corner of the room.  Everything else is rigged up with extension cords. I had a pretty ghetto setup for charging my phone that involved a single-plug extension cord going from one side of the bed to the other, but I bought this 8-foot extension cord with a power strip built in and stuck it to the windowsill with Command strips.  (Without them, my life would be so much worse.) The nightstand, obviously, lives in front of this so it is not visible, and this way I can leave the lamp plugged in and also charge my phone, iPad, and/or computer whenever I need to.

I have something in mind that I might do with this transom later on, but for now: mirror tiles. $9.99 for a pack of 6 at Lowe's. I'm going to attach them with 3M Command Strips once I get a chance to pick up some that are big enough.  (I don't want to take any chances of mirrors falling down and shattering in the middle of the night...)

So there you go! I'm only two weeks late in posting this... not bad for month 1, right?  I'm going to try and tackle my bathroom over the next couple weeks since I switch back to day shift and will hopefully have a little time to occasionally work on something at night.  


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